The Electome project at MIT Media Lab’s Laboratory for Social Machines used AI-based analytics to chart conversation on Twitter about issues in the 2016 presidential race.
Selected writings:
Co-author, Time to talk about the issues – NOT! Medium, 10/13/16
Co-author, Speaking of Taxes, Medium, 10/3/16
Co-author, Gender Gap? What Gender Gap? Medium, 9/13/16
Co-author, The Race Card – Back in Play, Medium, 8/26/16
Co-author, Shooting From the Lip, Medium, 8/19/16
Co-author, Look Who’s Talking, Medium, 8/12/16
Co-author, Rude Awakening, Medium, 8/5/16
Co-author, It’s National Security, Stupid, Medium, 7/29/16
Co-author, Election 2016: Topical Storms, Medium, 7/22/16
Author, “Introducing ‘Tonar,'” Medium, 4/25/16
Author, “Time to Check Your Candidate’s ‘Chat-Scan,'” Medium, 2/1/16
Author, “Enter the Electome,” Medium, 12/28/15